Week 4 - Assessing Suitability for Collaboration
Activity 1: Collaboration Suitability - How do Vangen & Huxham(2009) help us understand collaboration suitability?
Your agency manager is enthusiastic about pulling together several organizations to share data around client services in a new ‘collaborative’. You think this is a promising option, but also worry your manager will commit to this collaborative approach without a sufficient analysis of collaborative advantages and potential costs or challenges. Draw on work by Vangen and Huxham(2009) to prepare a brief set of talking points a team member will share to encourage further exploration of ‘suitability for collaboration’.
Activity 2: Play Captain Hindsight to Identify (Likely) Collaboration Missteps
Thanks to much reading about collaborative practices and your incredible hindsight skills, you have a chance to identify collaboration missteps. Work with your team to review the collaboration case you have been assigned. Then, use concepts from course readings to highlight some of the key collaborative failings. Finally, act as Captain Hindsight and share some observations about whether you think the case was truly suitable or ready for the type of collaboration needed—or, whether you think collaboration was the wrong approach altogether (using collaboration concepts and theories to support your claim).
Thanks to much reading about collaborative practices and your incredible hindsight skills, you have a chance to identify collaboration missteps. Work with your team to review the collaboration case you have been assigned. Then, use concepts from course readings to highlight some of the key collaborative failings. Finally, act as Captain Hindsight and share some observations about whether you think the case was truly suitable or ready for the type of collaboration needed—or, whether you think collaboration was the wrong approach altogether (using collaboration concepts and theories to support your claim).